Game area map and instructions
Places to avoid:
Tillingeberg, Persmåla, Ryningsnäs, Kvarntorpet, Road 34/47 (the blue road on map) passing through the game area.
See map: http://kartor.eniro.se/m/hxbJ9
Road 34/47 instructions
This is the road that´s crossing through the game area. Activity within a 100m of this road is prohibited. You are advised not to cross this road on foot. The midsection is equipped with wires. Cars are driving fast and you risk getting fatally injured crossing it with heavy equipment etc. If you have to cross it, find an intersection. Se here: http://kartor.eniro.se/m/Ls1Yx
Final information before game start.
Here are the topics for this information letter:
-Time and dates
-International participants
-Check In brief text
-Instructions for check in
-Vehicle parking
-Gas, markets, restaurants
-Briefing and Debriefing
-Medical service
-Battery charging
-SSMG Service phone
-Fraction Leaders
-SSMG informs
Time and Dates
Game start 052200
Game stop: 080900
For a quicker settlement on site, it is preferred that the game fee is pre-paid.
Those of you who pay cash on location should have an even amount (1000 SEK). SSMG has no exchange possibility.
Card and paypal payments are the slowest way to settle it on site.
Note! If you are not able to settle the game fee in any way before game start you will be dismissed from the area. No exceptions. This in consideration to the game host and those players who are prompt with payments to make what we do possible.
International participants
We have rooms, toilettes, shower, fridge, electricity, microwaves to offer you for free at the SSMG residence.
For more info on your early arrival please contact SSMG on the service phone by calling, texting or emailing in advance. We need to know how many and when you are coming in advance.
Contact info SSMG here: http://www.ssmg.se/ny/jupgrade/index.php/contact
Check in brief text
Official check in starts at 18:00 on Thursday for Tango, but you can show up earlier if you like. Come to the SSMG Residence. Here: http://kartor.eniro.se/m/Lmz78
From 18:00 to about 22:00 SSMG will serve something to eat to all our participants.
We would like you to be there for old time’s sake, mingle and hopefully enjoy a great evening with everyone before we start.
Instructions for checking in.
Location check in: Here:http://kartor.eniro.se/m/Lmz78
Date 2016.05.05
Time 18:00
Don’t go to the game area before you have checked in. Everyone has to check in!
Check in starts from 18:00 all fractions. If we are not there, call us and wait.
Show ID and deliver game fee if it hasn’t been taken care of. We will arrange so that you will be able to make card payments on site as well, but even cash is preferred in case there is a system crash.
Vehicle parking
At the SSMG house:
Park in front of the Church, do not drive up to the house.
Game area parking:
You are permitted to park anywhere within the game area as long as your vehicle is not in the way for anyone or any traffic.
Write (a well seen) the vehicle owners name and phone number on a paper and put it in the windscreen in case someone has to contact you.
Gas, Markets, restaurants
Are found in Mörlunda, Bockara, Målilla
Briefing and Debriefing
- SSMG talks and questions after check in around 20:00
- Briefing at game start in your own base by your platoon leader. Mission papers are handed out to one or two people in your fraction.
- Debriefing by SSMG right after game stop Here: http://kartor.eniro.se/m/JHbbn
Medical Service
Sorry, we can’t provide any surgery, amputations only. ;)
Scratches, cuts, blisters etc goes. If you’re not feeling well and you want to go off game for a while. Talk to us.
Battery charging
You can charge your batt. at the SSMG villa. Talk to us first.
SSMGs channel during the whole game is VHF 161 000.
SSMG Service phone
+46 (0)737 247302
Areal images will be uploaded in the Intelligence sector (found in left menu after login on SSMG site).
We will also have some maps to hand out at check in, but not for everyone.
Fraction Leaders
Company command All fractions: SSMG
Platoon leaders: If there are none at game start, we will point out one for you. It is always the chosen fraction leader that has the mission papers.
SSMG informs
SSMG has no chance to determine your level of outdoor and game experience. So therefore we would like to provide you with some basic information.
Here are some basic recommendations for the event:
Sleep - We know that many of you are pushing hours to the limit during events including us. This concept will most likely not hold at a Thursday – Sunday event without any sleep. No sleeping during this event will most likely result in you not lasting until Sunday morning. To maintain a good level of endurance we recommend you to sleep while you can.
Use tactical sleeping - Sleeping 5-10min is better than not sleeping at all. You do not need to sleep a whole night through as you normally do in your "civilian life". By sleeping randomly, whenever you get the chance, you can gather pretty much of your resting time during a 24h period when your operation lets you.
A good general rule to last longer periods outdoors is: Don’t stand if you can sit, don’t sit if you can lie down, don’t be awake if you can sleep.
Eat and Drink– If you do not match your intake of energy with your consumption you will most likely lose your ability to function properly. Always try to eat before you go on a mission and always drink water. Don’t forget to bring water with you.
Lack of water and food will lower your performance and make you feel even more tired. Try to stay away from sugar and caffeine. Both will lower your performance in the long run. Aim for a protein and fat rich diet instead. This will also keep you satisfied better and have you performing longer on your missions.
Hygiene – Very important for your moral and well being. Also a very good way of staying healthy and avoiding infections. Keep your hands away from your mouth and nose. Picking your nose with dirty hands is not a good alternative to stay healthy since you’re most likely pushing up bacteria inside your head where you have mucous membranes. Lots of lakes and water in the area. Use it every day. But only special outdoor soap/shampoo that you can find at your local outdoor store.
Schedule – Follow the platoon schedule and always use your time to what it is meant for. Don’t use up other peoples time. Always do what you are told, because if you don’t other people will suffer for it. If you are scheduled to be on a mission or an outpost then be there. In a platoon everyone is depending on everyone doing their job.
Communication and Consideration – Check, Ask, Adapt
Put others needs first and your needs will be put first. Anything is just as strong as its weakest link. Help each other to produce memorable experiences. Never leave anyone behind. Remember, bad attitude is contagious, as well as good and positive attitude. Never end the game in your head in advance. That´s equal to quitting. Remember; Your hardest day was yesterday.
Leaders– Make sure that your leaders can rest, so that they can make good decisions. An overworked team leader or platoon leader is not to anyone’s use. Always listen to your leaders, they have an important role. Give them the chance to lead.
Use proper boots and pack everything in plastic bags before you pack it in your backpack. If your stuff gets wet on day one, you will have a very difficult game ahead of you. Always prepare your equipment for the worst imaginable weather and you will most likely be fine.
Yes we do!
Walking still has the highest survival rate in ground combat and is the preferred way out there by many operators. Always be prepared to walk and take only as much with you as you can carry.
Always think of physical activities as good extra training.
Your Comfort Zone
The first thing that will happen to you is; that you will be dragged out of your comfort zone. You need to figure out before you arrive what your limits are. You will not have time for that in-game. Find out how you react to all the above mentioned topics... bad weather, sleep deprivation, low energy in take, high performance etc. Because no one in your immediate vicinity is interested in finding out what you are not capable of the hard way. We all have boundaries, it´s just a matter of how and when we break.
A good guide line is; If your moral is low, always stick to those who are the best at keeping a good and high moral. Because you have nothing to benefit from a person at the same or lower moral than you.
All points above combined can make things very difficult for you out there, so don’t let things get to you. If you don’t have field experience, talk to those who have. The above mentioned are basics for everyone of us to help maintain a good game level and making it memorable. Because the truth is that no one benefits from you falling out. Not SSMG, your team nor platoon or the enemy for that matter. So stay sharp!
Never forget that it is only your weapon that is unreal. Everything else such as weather, distance, hunger, pain, cold, heat, sleep deprivation etc, etc is the same, no matter if it’s a game conflict or a real one.