Chris reports: Tango has fallen in to a critical stage. Nato troops are executing guerilla warfare missions in the area. They don´t have resources for anything else. Many of my men have been defeated while Eastern units have been reinforced. I personally encountered spetsnaz units several times during operation Tango S.O.T.
Swedish forces were the only ones able to put up some resistance against Eastern forces. You could hear fire fights all over the area. Things are very intense now. It seems like everyone is bringing in all they have. Special Forces units working off the record to clean things up and eliminate any threat’s with any means.
The conflict has gone from bad to worse; this ever since the missile truck was discovered. All fractions were trying to get to it. Nato had it for some time, almost managed to destroy it, but lost it in a major fire fight to eastern forces during Tango S.O.T. EFAF escorted the missile truck to a facility. I lost track of where, but Swedish units managed to track the missile truck with EFAF forces on board. A couple of hours later I received info that the truck was escorted to a factory facility. After confirmed recon reports from the Swede´s and a couple of my guy´s I was informed that the factory attached to the western lake is a nuclear and submarine factory. Scientists and outside investors were visiting the facility frequently. That´s probably the reason why eastern forces are strong in the area. They have good financial backup from outside investors. Government involvement and international interests are most likely orchestrating this and the eastern forces are the ones defending these interests. Someone is selling and delivering and someone is buying. It now makes sense what Spetsnaz units were doing on the old nuclear island in the eastern lake during Tango S.O.T. They were retrieving the last remains of nuclear material, protecting it and escorting it to the nuclear facility together with the missile truck. No wonder UN forces and inspectors couldn´t last in this area. Outside forces wanted them to fail. If UN forces would have discovered the factory earlier things would have turned out differently for eastern forces and the investors.
But the million dollar question is; If it is a nuclear facility, who is delivering the raw material. Are we talking about deployed uranium from the northern parts of Sweden? And if that’s the case, what is the Swedish involvement in all this? How much do they actually know? Lets not forget that the Swedish supreme commander, or as the Swede´s call him: ÖB, has been seen in the area at several occasions in the past.
Despite all odds, Swedish ranger forces are putting up a good fight against these guys, but not enough. Some major night time fire fights broke out between eastern forces and the Swede´s. Nato was involved in the destruction of the EFAF communication hill, located hidden between their main base and the nuclear facility. The Swede´s also lost their Com. base later that night a couple of km from the eastern base. New demolishing devices were used. Devices that I’ve never heard before or seen. The blasts were much bigger and effective then normally. It sounded like C4 on steroids.
We will all face a very difficult time in the near future during Tango. Nato definitely needs more backup. Don´t know how much longer we will last. Eastern forces are dominating the area. They control the south and the middle section including the nuclear facility. As for the Swede´s; their marine units are the most successful so far. But their luck can take a turn now when eastern forces are using Spetsnaz units. As it seems, Nato doesn´t even have enough recourses to extract me anymore. Summing it up; we have more than enough enemies, surrounded with nuclear production and outside governmental conspiracy. I will report to you as long as I can. Good luck with your upcoming operations. You´ll need it. Chris out.